Personal Branding
Project detail
I am looking for a someone who can help me with personal branding.
If you are interested please answer the following questions.
1) Have you done personal branding before?
If yes, how did you do it?
What problems did you face and how did you overcome them?
2) If you have not done personal branding before, then,
Try doing this:
ABC Bakery:
Lets say, I have a bakery, Say ABC Bakery.
And I make choco chip Cookies.
I am a baker, and I have just started my bakery.
How would you do personal branding for me?
Put this in a word file and send it to me.
I am looking for something very specific.
There is a baker who is running the ABC bakery.
How would you do personal branding for him.
Don’t just say, I will see his personality,
I will analyze his behavior.
Apply the principle and give a result.
If he is an introvert then I will write more about him in blogs.
If he is an extrovert, I will ask him to socialize with people more.
Like this, very specific.
Select 3 areas and say specifically about the baker.
you assume everything
What if he’s an introvert, what if he’s an extrovert.
like that assume anything
3) Which is the best time to reach you?
Have a Nice Day