(Paid) Project+ Rollback Netcode Implementation

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Hi, I’m an independent player of Project+ who is interested in the creation of a rollback Netcode solution for Project+.
If you as an individual are unfamiliar with Project+, it’s a modification of Super Smash Bros. Brawl that adds many things from fundamental engine and mechanical changes, to new characters and stages, etc.
The current things that are halting progress from people more familiar with this game are primarily the fact that for one, we don’t have a proper memory map of important game knowledge for save states, we are currently unable to load save states on console or through emulator, and we don’t know what an optimised save state looks like for the game.

What this project requires:
We need to intercept and send inputs
Allow game loop to process frames without render (for catching up after a rollback)
UI and custom scenes
EXI communications
And for the emulator
Save States
Matchmaking Servers
Account System

Skills and Experience that is useful/of high priority:
PowerPC Assembly Experience
Experience in reverse engineering games
A love of fighting games
Being able to memory map accurately and format it in spreadsheets
Experience in modding GameCube/Wii games
Experience in emulation software/Dolphin from a developer perspective.
Ability to become passionate as I am about this game.

Who am I:
I am a young man who suffers from autism. I have played this game for 5+ years now and have loved it for the entirety of this time. I’m sick of awful delay based Netcode and I’m willing to throw basically all of my life savings at this, because this game is my life. I’m not anyone in particular, and would prefer to stay anonymous until we agree on terms.
I hope you consider working on this project with me.

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project