Over the Top Nutrition

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Looking for a online ordering and payment site that has a url with multiple endings to designate what building on a hospital or college campus the order will go to. Such as www.overthetopnutrition.copm/hahealthwest OR /nahealtheast OR /casehall. It needs to authenticate the email address input into the landing page or not allow the user to continue. The landing page needs to gather first and last name, email address and phone number with area code. Then the order page and checkout that will save all customer info except 3 digit code on card. Lastly I need two back end reports. #1 all customers that ordered that day listed alphabetically by last name then first and what they ordered and #2 report a list of how many of each product was ordered that day with no other identifying information.

Main requirement is to have multiple URLs for different parts of the campus.
Would like to have the option of selling it to different businesses.

Currently using Square as payment processor, would like to know if adding Venmo is possible.

Deadline: ASAP – ideally this month.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project