Open Graph Tags for a MERN portal

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

John Zakariah Technologies is a technology company based in Bangalore, India.

Our current project is, which is a crowd-funding website. The site is developed on the MERN stack, and there is an admin panel for the in-house Campaign Administrator to create a web page for each campaign. You can read more about the site’s architecture in the attached document, or ask the Third-Party Supplier Manager to share the same with you.

Feature ID: 2022-01
Feature Title: Open Graph Tags (OG Tags)
Feature Owner: Varun Krishna
Third-Party Supplier Manager: Amritha M L
Project: Nerchapetti
Feature Description:
1. When a new campaign is created on the website, the end-user logs into the admin panel, and uploads the necessary details, as required for the campaign. A unique web-page is thus created for the campaign within
2. In order to promote the unique page on Social Media, it has been identified that we need to deploy OG tags for these unique pages.
3. The Campaign Owner must be able to add a title, a short description, and a picture on the OG Tags that would be generated when the page is created on the admin panel
4. The Campaign Owner must also be able to edit the OG tags later if found necessary.

What are we looking for in you?
1. Demonstrated technical expertise and prior work experience in deploying OG Tags on the MERN framework
2. Proficient in good practices such as SOLID principles, DRY principles, Clean Coding etc.
3. Individual freelancers preferred
4. Daily updates to be provided to the Feature Owner, along with necessary knowledge transfer
5. Willingness to provide support post-implementation of OG Tags
6. Prepare necessary documentation

1. Payment will be processed only after sign off by the feature owner and third party supplier management coordinator
2. The selected candidate would be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, an Intellectual Property Infringement Agreement, and a Non-Compete Agreement.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project