modification of Friend adding process in Firebase chatting app — 2

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Modification of Friend adding process in Firebase chatting app is required.
Attached is the ppt for required new process, and, short description of present friend process.
* Important
1. Before chatting, please see the source codes , and, ppt first
2. please compare the flow of source code with the flow in ppt.
3. please comment the mistkae in flow of source code, first.
We believe that it is waste of time to chat with freelancer who can not find
the mistake of source codes in flow.
There was difference in friend finding, and, in friend showing between source codes, and, ppt.
The current apk was also attached.
* Please keep in mind that there are language button in spash/landing page.

Skills Required

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Freelancer type required for this project