Mobile app matching algorithm fix

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail


I have a mobile application called TAP Social, it works by matching users if after selecting a category (at least 1 and up to 4) they press a button (TAP) around the same time. The app is native to iOS and Android, using Cloudflare for caching and Hostgator server with cpanel. I have access to facebook developer program, google console and apple developer program. App is currently LIVE and available for sale for all users.

The job I have for you is to CHECK and FIX any bugs with the matching algorithm. So far the errors I found are:
1. When user A select category 1 2 3 4, and user B select category 1 only, then when both press button (TAP) it shows as match for both users in 1 2 3 4 instead of only 1 which is in common.
2. When press button (TAP), it shows you have maybe 4 matches, but when exit and restart app, the matches disappear. They should stay.

I need you to check fully the matching algorithm and make any fixes to it (NOT just the above two!). You must provide all video proofs of matching working for both android and ios.

Explainer video

Google Playstore…

Apple store


Skills Required

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