MasterCard Payment gateway into Invoice ninja
Project detail
I want a larval developer to do the task of integrating MPGS API easily into my self-hosted invoicing web app (Invoice Ninja) to handle the payments for Invoice ninja and get it to work among another payment gateway already integrated into invoice ninja..
Here is invoice Ninja Self install
self install of invoice ninja :
Here is how to add new Invoice nInja payment: inV5
As for Version 4.5 it is much easier
so you can install either one
To add a new payment gateway:
Adding payment gateways
Step 1. Setup environment
Step 2. Adding the gateway into the gateways table
Step 3. AppModelsGateway.php Model Getters and Setters
Step 4. Starting work on the Payment Driver
Here is an integration guide for MPGS – -MasterCard Payment gateway
Technical Integration guide:
To get this task you have to be experienced with the following: Larval – API integration. for payment gateway
Note: FTP and Server login details will be given to you based on your quick response
Server Access will be granted but I need this to be done with speed
PS: I need this to be done ASAP.