Make Paywall/Content Hiding WordPress Plug-in
Project detail
I am looking to get a paywall/content hiding plug-in made for following and list building for websites!
The idea is for the plug-in to hide specific posts/pages/content until single or multiple actions are taken!
This will be meant for all types of websites for my clients as a strategy to build up a social following, Email list building, subscription (both paid and free), etc.
Must be WordPress compatible (possibly compatible for other website building platforms)
Theme compatible,
site builder compatible,
CSS option
SEO friendly
mobile responsive and friendly
must be search engine crawler friendly
must be compatible with email responders
Unlocks content by email: like, share, invite, subscribe, pay per view, Membership subscription, Paid membership subscription, answer a question, age verification, unlock code, ReCaptcha, Facebook/Twitter/twitch/Instagram follow, email verification.
Option to blur/unblur content above the wall
Easy to use: Highlight starting paragraph and hide the rest of the page
able to hide one selected paragraph after another on the same page/post (ex: A training course will have the wall slide down just below the next question after a person answers questions correctly. (if given a wrong answer the wall will notify the user and stays in place)
option to show wall after x number of minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, or not show content locker ever again after the action is performed.
(ex:A, Someone gives an email or pays a fee so locker will not show up again for that person for x number of days (subscription) or never again)
(ex:B, Content locker will show up on every page when someone answers a question to reveal the next question or slides down to reveal the next question. (good for online courses)
(optional progress bar)
able to combine more than one method to uncover content ex: email+Facebook Like,
Subscribe+Share, email+share+recaptcha (up to 3 methods (4 if wanting to use email and Recaptcha/verification/access code)
Show a link in the WordPress dashboard. (please provide instructions on how to change this)
multiple languages
compatible with email responders
acts as a slider, Slides up to chosen paragraph or percentage of posts/pages and slides out of view when the task is completed. (option to slide down to next section on a single page/post for the next correct answer (for courses)
acts as a popup blurring page (simple for email, like, share, membership, subscribe, age verification, unlock code, ReCaptcha, email verification.
Also easy to install and use as possible.
I have uploaded some concept ideas as well! (These are only rough photoshop makes just for concept ideas)
If this Plug-in can use image files I can have them made up! Just let me know the requirements!
Any thoughts, ideas, and/or questions will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!