Make EASY trading script (application or script) for binary options (broker has API) in python or C++
Project detail
i’m looking for someone to create a trading bot based on up down patterns of last 12 prices (if pattern matches to one of my list it trades), broker has API, you need experience on how to get live data from broker by API. either application or just run script. my budget is $100.
let me know if you want to do it.
binary options bot (broker has API), trading only based on up/down patterns of last 12 prices. Every second new price, has to respond fastest possible.
you don’t have to create application, you can just run script. C++.
Settings, taken from text file: (or if it slows down the bot, settings in script (you would have to mark where is what to change). but patterns should be taken from text file)
– list of patterns (in whatever form that uses the lightest code for script)
for example 1=up, 0=down, 2=equal, B=buy, S=sell, example would be 0,0,1,2,1,0,1,2,0,B (buy order) etc, or buy and sell patterns separately listed, you are free to decide how patterns should be written, if numbers of letters etc.
12 prices = max 11 patterns, no minimum length of pattern.
– trade expiry (no exit needed, binary options broker)
– asset to trade (basic setting: Facebook)
– account type (demo, live)
– % per trade of balance (minimum trade is $1); or fix $ amount
– maybe authorization keys or similar things?
also entirely setting up and all necessary steps to successfully run & trade the bot on my windows vps, by teamviewer.