Make an android app that is based on any Machine Learning APP.

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

We need someone to create an android app that is based on any Machine Learning APP that implements the workflow as follows:

1. A user takes the photo of a cow face.
2. The ML Algorithm should identify/recognize that specific cow (Emma, Penelope, Bella, etc.). We don’t want a cow-detection app, we want a cow-recognition app where, once the cow is recognized, it should call out the name of the cow.

User flow:
1. User takes photo of a cow.
2. ML APP reads the photo taken, recognises, shows the name of the cow.

Additional requirements:
1. Training the data to recognize a cow – dataset containing a trained model of cows will be provided with labelling of names like Penelope etc.
2. Train the model that has an accuracy of at least 90%. The model can be any model like Keras Trained model, TF model, etc. The end model file (.model, .pb, .h5) should be then converted into an android-compatible model file like TFLite, etc. Use this model in the android app for cow recognition.

Delivery should be with source-code.

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