Looking to GET data from Roatan, Honduras MLS or other sources where historical prices of sold land and houses are stored and create investment report from it?

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I am looking for help to GET property investment DATA – likely from the Roatan MLS DB or possibly other database sources which hold information about sold properties in Roatan – and create an investment report based on the data YOU EXTRACT for investors who are looking to buy land lots and/or houses in Roatan Island, Honduras.

Here are the data i am looking for (you can add additional parameters if you think this would bring more value for investment decisions):

For these categories:
1) Small land lots/parcels: less then 3000 m2 /0.72 acres; maximum allowed for foreign ownership
2) Larger land lots: 1 to 10 acres as land for potential subdivisions
3) Condos
3) Smaller single family homes: less then 150 m2 and 3 bedrooms
4) Larger single family homes: 150 – 300 m2
5) luxurious villas/mansions: larger then 300m2

For each category extract the data and create a specific historical statistic and future projection:
a) 10 (or 5 if 10 is not available) years of historical price data
b) Price Impact of COVID situation in 2020
c) expected price projection for next 5 years

Please add your overall market summary if you can.

Thank you,

Freelancer type required for this project