Looking for someone to make image icons for my website

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I am looking for someone to make image icons for my website. I don’t want you to design anything, I just want you to resize some images and optimize them for my website. Here is what I want in detail.
-First: the website is a digital marketing agency.
-Second: All images are jpeg and with a black background.
– The quality shouldn’t be high, because they will be small, so I want the web to download very quickly.
– Make the images just one size…I will provide you with the website link:


You will notice that the images are kinda big, so just make them smaller.
A- Images form 1 to 6:
They are icons for floating boxes. Go to this website, and you will find them when you scroll down to the ”service” section. You will notice the icons are big, make them smaller, you don’t need to come up with something new. Remember, I am not gonna pay much for this project, so all that you have to do here is just take the icons you see in the boxes and just resize them so they become smaller. You can o course use other icons, I don’t mind. Here are some modifications you need to do:
1- Search engine optimization SEO: the same, no change, but make sure the size is different.
2-Content marketing: the same, no change, but make sure the size is different.
3-Social media marketing: the same, no change, but make sure the size is different, but maybe you can color the image itself if you want.
4-Email marketing: I don’t like the green color here, you either make it white or find a more relaxed color.
5- Paid ads: for this image, you can change it, but you don’t have to design anything, just get something from the web about paid ads.
6- Marketing Research: the same, no change, but make sure the size is different.

B- Images from 7 to 12: Image icons for e-mail marketing page: the same concept, but the difference is here I don’t have any images to show, but just image-google them and you just get the image icon, make its size as the previous images’ size, and of course the background color is black, and remember, they are icons for floating boxes, you can find them here, in the service section: http://ammandigital.safeholics.com/email-marketing/
7-Welcome email:
8-Retargeting email:
9-Engagement campaign
10-Newsletter email campaign
11-New product email campaign
12-Post-purchase email campaign
Again and again, please remember, it is all about the size make them appear them smaller when I upload them into the boxes.

C- Images from 13 to 14: for paid ads, they will represent the following topics:
13- Website display ads: google ads, Microsoft ads, amazon ads: You can use any ready-made icon from google image search that combines all those, perhaps an image on which there are logos for the companies I mentioned, or any icon represents when I mean.
14- social media ads: any icon for social media in general, but it has to be different from the social media icon in the previous section

D- iMAGES FROM 15 TO 18: Images represent content marketing:
15- Blogs:
16- Web copywriting:
18- social media content: any icon for social media in general, but it has to be different from the social media icon in the previous sections

E-Imgaes from 19 to 24 represent icons for specific social media website: all what you need to do here is just use the icons for the following social media sites, and make an image out of them, with a black background, and of course smaller size:
19- Facebook
20- Instegram
21- TiK Tolk
22- Twitter
23- Snapchat
24- Linked In..

Now what is important here is this:
1- Tell me how much does this cost? Remember, it is nothing, so it shouldn’t be expensive.
2- Tell me when you can finish it.
3- You will need before I agree to give you the job is to make 2 image icons (choose from above) and send them to me, I need to check if they fit in the website.

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Freelancer type required for this project