Looking for freelancers for reading novels

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I am looking for five freelancers who love to read the romance.
The following requirements are a must
1. Avid novel reader
2. The native language is Spanish

What you will be doing on this job
1. Read and analyze novels I handpicked for you, and write about a short record on that book.
2. You are required to finish reading a novel within 3 days

We will pay $50 for each book comment. We are offering a long-term and stable job every month.
Start the application to this job with the phrase “red cushions so I know you have read this posting through, and I will use that as screening tactic.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project