Looking for a website that uses google maps, flutter.

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail


I need a website that uses Google Maps, flutter, PHP, and MySQL

I want to create a website that will let people search for Stores that Sell Weed similar to WeedMaps.com

I want to be able to search/see stores on a map
Click on a store and get the stores name, address, phone, payment Type Accepted, rating, logo rating

Each store can have a list of products. products have imagines, name, description, rating, price
A company and reply to a Rating.
Users can sign up.

Users should be able to search for products

Users can create a company, in that company they can add one or more store locations. Each Company must be able to upload a federal/state license to operate.

Users and Stores can be report

Admin Panel to
-> Review User/Store/Raiting complains
-> Ban user/Store
-> Delete Rating
-> Approve Company Lience before they are listed

The Site needs to be mobile/desktop friendly.

In your bid type, “I have read everything and I understand what you want”

In your bid, describe in your own words what I am looking for!

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project