Localization GPS on Android devices

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

have an application that is made in ionic and we use a service in java for the location of the cell phone which must be done every x minutes, the most used is every 1 minute.

The problem we currently have is that as of Android 10 the user security policies have changed and it is no longer possible to perform satellite tracking as before.
What happens now is that when trying to report a position every 1 minute, for example, the position obtained from android is not always the updated one, since it sends the last known position, which could be from hours ago, because the cell phone is turned off or in standby.

what we want is that someone can take this component in java and make the necessary changes and adjustments to be able to carry out a correct and updated satellite tracking, which is always available and sending the updated position.

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