ios/android developer for the myshutout app

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Hi There

Due to the amount of requests I have received,
I see that I need to make the description more accurate.

So here is the revised description:

Be sure to check out for more information about this project!
There it is described what the app can do at the moment and what it is used for.

Install the free myshutout app and check out the features.
You are welcome to make test requests in the app, you can also remove them by yourself.
I will also respond to test requests and accept/cancel trainings randomly.

Currently the app is programmed in:
– frontend: vue.js2 with cordova
– backend node.js with a mongo database

The app should be changed into the following functions:

Now we assume that goalkeepers are searched, but this can not be specified anywhere.
So a list of positions should be given. I must be able to extend this list at any time.
Possible positions are: Goalkeeper + Field player + Defender + Coach …

Now it can be specified in the app that a goalkeeper is wanted for a training.
A date/time is entered for this.
It should also be possible to enter that a player is wanted for
– a season (input: “2022/2023” or “summer 2023”)
– a training camp (input: “20.8.2023 to 25.8.2023” and a MultilineTextfield)

A second hand store should be added (the tab “Info” could be removed/used for this).
Users should be able to put something in the store themselves and others must be able to react to it.
The categories in the store are given by me and I should be able to expand them.
The one who puts something in the store pays me for the ad (e.g. 10% of the selling price).

Further changes and extensions will follow, but are not to be considered for your offer at the moment.

lg John

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project