Implement a nonlinear program in AMPL (

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I have a nonlinear program (in a mathematical model format) that needs to be coded in AMPL, solved, and display the results in line with the results we get from the GRG solver in Excel. In the sense that when we graph the AMPL results it would provide the same curve, however, the results should be better as GRG may result in local optima not global optimal that AMPL is capable of. Expected outcomes:

1. Model file (.mod)
2. Data file (.dat)
3. Run file (.run) with chosen nonlinear solver like “minos” for example
4. The graph of the results is consistent with the GRG excel results
5. No syntax errors + no model logic errors
6. A full walk through for all the above

Thank you and wish you best of luck.

Freelancer type required for this project