,I'm looking for a software/app developer to create a software/app for me.

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Hi ,I’m looking for a software/app developer to create a software/app for me.

You are free to use no-code software like Bubble, Adalo, Appy pie,Buildfire, Appsheet, and Appgyver o any others you feel might be a right fit.


I need an app that will:
– automatically send a prescripted message after a missed call

– connects to a calendar and automatically sends a message to a client requesting a review after they attend a session, an appointment o receive a service they paid for.

-occasionally send bulk promotional SMS campaigns to a list of numbers in a CRM

this app should be able to have a members area where every client can log in after registering for a plan on our website, and he should be able to see and manage everything from that dashboard.{ Campaigns, SMS workflows, reviews request workflows, etc)

after the mobile app, I would need also a desktop version developed in the future. All this with my own branding and once again ,the ability to have multiple clients sign up and create an account on this app.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project