I need good machine learning, deep learning specialist — 2

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I need good deep learning expert who can implement the following research paper as it is in 5 days. The global–local aware feature representation of image has to be learned. Specifically, the global feature is extracted by selecting the most relevant deep descriptors. Meanwhile, local descriptors are learned by frequent pattern mining. Further, an aggregation feature that learns global–local aware feature representation is designed. Similarly, when given a query image, we also learn its global–local aware representation.

For each image in a database, first have to learn its global–local aware representation. Similarly, when given a query image, we also need to learn its global–local aware representation. Then, we measure the relevance between the query and database images by a similarity score. Finally, we return the candidate based on the score.

I need good machine learning, deep learning specialist who can work according to me until I get satisfied with the code.

Skills Required

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