Flutter + Wearable smartwatch project

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

You must have experience and already have available smartwatch devices.
We want to use Flutter for iOS / Android Phones with a base control app (companion app). This app will then interact with our back end platform. We also want this app to control the install / either tether to or configure the smartwatch app install and/or pull the smartwatch info directly from bluetooth connection to the phone app (depending on the smartwatch type).

Must have smartwatch experience, and secondarily experience with Flutter for the purpose of deploying on iphone / android + multiple smartwatch types.

– Apple Watch via BLE and via watch app (Top Priority)
– WearOS compatible watches via BLE and via watch app (Top Priority)
– Fitbit Versa2 watches via watch face app or watch app (lesser priority)
– Scosche fitness bands via direct BLE (Top Priority)
– Samsung Galaxy via BLE and via watch app (lesser priority)

Must be familiar with the concepts of:
– Bluetooth watch interaction
– Watch face vs. watch apps
– Watch + Phone companion combo functionality
– MQTT / Web Socket / HTTPS

please bid start with look my answer!
What specific smartwatch development have you done? Did you release on watch specific store?
Have you used flutter before and launched app on apple / google store?
Have you used different configuration of control between phone and smartwatch? For the purpose of making the user experience very seamless and communication stable.
Are you able to communicate heavily via voice and written and chat – some during US business hours? Are you well versed in documentation and testing for device compatibility?
What specific smartwatch types and MODELS do you have available? Physically.

Industry Categories

Languages required

Freelancer type required for this project