Flutter Fitness APP (ios+android)
Project detail
I need to build an app (ios+android) linked for user login and some content to a fitness wordpress site. The app must allow login and tracking of the user’s activities, who will be able to follow the videos (or audios) of the workouts.
The workouts are divided into clips, each training path will have a kit of clips to be performed 5 days a week based on the information entered in a form to be filled in on first access and which can then be updated. Text, a timer and a language-correct audio file must also be selected with each clip. The user can keep track of the workouts done, which will produce a certain score.
The graphic layout is provided and is based on the customization of a template.
Source codes for compilation and publication on apple and play store must be provided.
Fast development times are required and for this we can consider using 2 developers together.