Find information about USCIS

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

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Can we send them a fax?
What do they do when you need to reschedule an in-person interview?
What happens if you keep rescheduling it?
How can we postpone an interview until after we get COVID-19 vaccinations?

They have a website.
There are immigrations lawyers.
There are websites that let people immigrating to the United States talk to each other.
I am especially interested in what other people have experienced. They might know information that is not available on websites.

Please give me a price and what you would do to research these questions and any source of help and information about immigrations. Break it down into tasks and a price for each. $5 or $10 per task is good.

DON’T SAY “Let’s talk about it.” or “Hi” etc. I have given all the information above. Tell me in your replay what you can do for tasks. If you want to be hired, then do this.

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Freelancer type required for this project