Extragalactic Astronomy Research proposal
Project detail
For the project, you will have do the following:
Select a topic in extragalactic astronomy/cosmology that you are interested in. You’ll need to study up on the topic, and then consider not only what the state of knowledge about the topic is now, but what questions/issues remain unanswered.
Write a short research paper on the topic demonstrating that you understand the sub-field that you’ve selected. This paper need not be very long — maybe about 4 to 5 pages, but I’ll leave the exact length to you. The important part will be to demonstrate your knowledge of the current state of the field . This paper will have a hard deadline.
Propose an observation or experiment that will increase our understanding of the field, and write a telescope/resource proposal to do this work. The form for this is lifted directly from that used by the national observatories. (You do not need to use the exact form — you can create your own in your favorite word processing environment. But whatever you create should look similar to the National Observatory’s form, with the same questions, etc. You are free to propose for any telescope/resource you wish, but the telescope/instrument/facility must be real. Do not propose observations from some mythical facility that may be launched into space in the next millennium.
You can see first file is instructions , second is proposal form and third sample proposal this is for the research proposal only , a through research of the topic should be done also to show understand ing of topic which is expansion to Tully-fisher relation key to non-baryonic dark matter