Extracting data from MySQL and Building a Kibana Dashboard

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

We at exoticindia.com are looking for someone to help us build a data pipeline to extract data from MySQL on an ongoing basis. The data pipeline has to be built using Python using Pandas for data transformation.
Once the data is extracted, we need to push the data to Elasticsearch and Visualise the data on Kibana.

Following are the tasks for the project.

Must have objectives:

– Build a dynamic querying system from Python (Pandas) to extract data from MySQL and transform the data.
– Automate the system using cron (or if possible using Celery) to perform daily, weekly, monthly extraction and transformation from multiple queries.
– Sanitise data before load into Elasticsearch to provide error handling and data normalisation.
– Load data to elasticsearch keeping timestamp intact for querying historical data
– Plot data from elasticsearch on Kibana using multiple dashboards.

Good to have objectives:

– Using OpenSearch by Amazon instead of Elasticsearch for added security.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project