Expert JavaScript Developer Required

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Job details
Implementation for a complete docking component similar to the one in Intellij Idea in JavaScript
The project is for creating a docking component in a browser using JavaScript with the same capacity or feature set as the one in Intellij Idea. Specifically, it should include the following:
A panel (with its tab like header) can be detached by dragging from the current place to dock at any of the four sides of a docking pane, or to join an existing panel visually similar to a TabPane.
Docking panes should be able to be nested.
There should be a drop indicator similar to the one in Intellij while dragging.
Drag and drop outside of the main windows should make the panel embedded in a new floating window or join an existing floating window.
The deliverable should include the full implementation and a test suite that covers all the required features.

Skills Required

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