Events App with in-app subscriptions for ios/android

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail


I will use this app to share astrology predictions.


I want to have a clean/simple mobile app to simply display upcoming events. Date of the event and name of the event is shown.

Events will contain text, voice records (hosted) or video content (embed Vimeo/YouTube).

Ability to assign tags to events like love, money, health.. Users can filter events accordingly.

Option to choose which tags will be shown on home screen which are not..

Option to set time span to show events. For example show upcoming events up to 2 weeks in advance and don’t show events after 3 weeks.

There are 12 astrological signs. I write 12 predictions for each event. This means there are 12 categories and 12 subscriptions (one subscription for all 12 categories)

Users will need to choose an astrological sign (category) from home screen, lets say leo sign, and upcoming events for leo will be shown. (please also see astrologyzone ios app)


Upcoming events will be sent to users as app notifications automatically. Notifications will open the app and the relevant event content.

Set default automatic notifications’ date, like send automatic notifications 2 days before the event (option to set different dates to event from event’s settings if needed)

Option to set manuel notifications and ability to link events or external URLs.

Users will be able to see previous notifications as a list in a page. (A link will be on MENU screen).


This is a freemium app. Signed-in users can see all events but,

only subscribed users can access events’ content
unsubscribed users can NOT access protected events’ content, can only access to free events’ content..

Event tags will set which event is free which is protected. ( example: events with tag FULL MOON will be free)

Yearly in-app subscription with a trial period.

There are 12 subscriptions (one subscription for all 12 categories)

If a user is subscribed to LEO subscription, user does NOT have access to protected events of other 11 signs.

Users can have multiple subscriptions: Leo, libra, virgo etc.


There will be a form for users to ask their questions on home screen.

There will be 3 forms: users can ask a question or book a counseling.

– form1 is for subscribed users who can ask 1 question for free during subscription period. After they ask 1 question, they will see form2 which requires one-time payment.

Unsubscribed users also will always see form2.

When a form is submitted and payment is done if required, user will be directed to a pre-specified URL outside the app where they can make an appointment (I use for appointments)

Form3 is to book a counseling. It is one-time payment for all users.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project