Edit and Customize my CMS Website and Application code according to my PDF
Project detail
Hello, I want you developers to edit my CMS code of my Website and Application according to me and on time.
I have all my necessary requirements for me in these codes, but their are two certain things that need to be edited and accordingly customized from the backend too, that is Topics and Advertisements in this code.
The links of the codes are as follows:
Website: https://codecanyon.net/item/colibrism-the-ultimate-php-modern-social-media-sharing-platform/26612898
App: https://codecanyon.net/item/colibrism-mobile-app-android/32107138
Both these codes have all the requirements that I need in the backend, and just needed to be edited. It is not a hectic project for you and wont take much time (approx 1 month).
The Website is built using native php code, without the use of any frameworks, with the exception of auxiliary libraries. As for the client side of the script, the developers used the most popular technologies like Bootstrap, jQuery, VueJS, and others
And the server requirements are
PHP 5.5 or Higher. (We strongly recommend using the latest PHP version as well as MySQL server)
GD Library
PHP Zip Module
The Hybrid Application is built using Flutter version 1.22.5 and Dart 2.6