Download multiple json files and combining into one excel table

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I have an app in java that downloads csv files from a data supplier, then combines them, puts backup copies into various local folders and then creates a csv file ready to import into excel. It has been working well for about 2 years.

However, the data supplier has notifed me that the longer term support for csv files may end.

With that said, i would like to either have an app developed for outside excel, or some power query code inside excel to obtain a bunch of json files from the supplier and produce the excel table that i need.

I am keen recieve proposals from interested parties.

But, First You must pass test case.
There is a maven java source program, where you first describe the process of exporting it as an executable jar file that can run on a PC. (If possible, edit it as a video.)
If you do the right task, let’s discuss the next step task.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project