Develop system to solve differential equations in MATLAB for petroleum or chemical engineering student.
Project detail
Please write a description of the system you would like to simulate for your final project.
I am looking for a thorough description of the system, the physics, the equations (PDEs), appropriate boundary and initial conditions and clarifying notes that describe what they mean, a description of all the parameters and the the simulation conditions you might be interested in (e.g., if you are finding the evolution of a spatial distribution of a variable in time, what is the range of space and time: 1D, 2D, 3D and t_initial and t_final, etc.)?
Please include the equation or the systems of equations along with boundary and initial conditions and brief (single-phrase) description of what each parameter stands for – max. 2 pages.
The final project will have three components:
1) .m files: I will execute these on my machine
2) PowerPoint ppt, pptx files: these will comprise several slides that will help you tell the story of the model, the system it represents, its connection to your research, its discrete form, your solution scheme, etc. and finally, the solutions. (30 pts)