custom woocommerce plugin – VOD products time expiration
Project detail
Solution must have plugin form – activate/deactivate from Plugins tab in WordPress admin panel.
1.Customer/admin makes an order with product/s of specific category ( input [X] – can be set in admin panel ).
2. For products with category from [X] input we display new config fields (attached screen2)
3. Customer buy VOD product and if we set “2 days” for this product we need to display to customer information about VOD expiration time (attached screen3).
Same information should be visible for admin on order page (attached screen1)
If user buy product on 13 November 2020 at 10:00AM and Product expire options are “2 days”
– On product page we should display “Expire date: 15 November 2020 10:00AM”
After 15 November 2020 10:00AM we:
a) remove “Expire date: 15 November 2020 10:00AM” information from product page.
b) set order status to EXPIRE
c) block access to VOD items for this order
d) send customer e-mail message “Your order #order_number has expired”.