Custom story based music video anime / cartoon style 2:00 min
Project detail
I am looking for a talented animator to create a custom story based music video in an anime style. The video should be 2:00 minutes long and capture the themes of youth and nostalgia.
Skills and Experience:
– Experience in anime-style animation
– Ability to create moderate levels of detail in animation
– Strong storytelling abilities to capture the essence of the story and themes
– Proficiency in music video editing
If you are passionate about creating visually stunning and emotionally impactful animations, then this project is perfect for you!
Rough story:
[main character walking listening to music]
[00:33 main character during kindergarden, school, university, sport clubs, friendships etc]
[00:42 main character on funeral seeing coffin going down]
[00:50 main character fighting/breaking up with girlfriend]
[throwbacks childhood, teenager, young adult times,]
[1:26 the main character goes through the events of the text]
[first kiss]
[1:30 playing football]
[1:34 drinking with friends young age]
[1:37 school graduation]
[1:41 smoking weed with people in a student appartment]
[1:45 main character screaming at girlfriend]
[1:48 main character writing in diary or smartphone]