Custom Laravel Site
Project detail
I am reposting this in more detail.
I am in need of a developer/s who are extremely proficient with Laravel, Vue, Javascript, MYSQL and web design.
I need a Laravel site that is like Craiglist personals were before they removed them. One that is more modern but still minimalistic.
I need an admim backend for my self so that I can
add/remove/update posting categories
Add/remove/update locations (city, state, zipcode)
Manage/delete/edit/hide user’s posts
Manage user’s images they have added to their post.
Manage user’s
Message user’s (one, many or all)
Turn site on/off for maintenance
Manage flags
Manage tags
Ban and unban user’s by email and/by ip address.
Manage banned word list. (Words that the system will allow users to add to their post such as the word kill.)
The functionality should be just like Craiglist. Users can post using only their email address and they can manage their posts (edit/delete/hide) with their email.
I need the email relay functionality as well where the user’s emails during replies are kept hidden.
I will need the locations to be added for the US and Canada. (City, state, zipcode,)
User’s can have only one picture per post. I will need to be able to allow them more or turn off images not allowing them.
User’s can choose tags to add to their post. Tags should be searchable in the search area.
They search area can search titles, body, city, state, tahs, what they are looking for as in man for woman.
Will need a flag post, save post and block poster options for users.
If a user blocks a poster then the poster can not see the blockers posts and the blocker can not see the posters posts.
This site should use Vue for animations and instant live changes.
Will need an email for when they post a new post. Like Craiglist just more modern but still minimalistic.
Will need a captcha to verify they are human.
System should recognize duplicate posts and prevent them.
Static pages should be cached.
I’m open to suggestions as far as functionality and design