Create a simple ‘hello world’ app, to setup and sync Tuya WI-FI Smart Scales, using Tuya API in Xamarin with Visual Studio.

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

We are creating a weight monitoring app, which needs to connect to a set of WI-FI Tuya Scales and sync measurements via the Tuya network. The user shouldn’t know Tuya is involved.

1. The user installs the app.

2. The user connects the Tuya Scales to their Wifi network and sets up the scales via the app (The user shouldn’t know Tuya is involved )

3. The app saves the authorization details needed to query the users weight using the Tuya API.

4. Every time the app is opened, it queries the Tuya Api and displays the latest weight measurement.

1. Development platform – Xamarin in Visual Studio with .NET Framework.

2. Deployment platforms – Android and iOS

3. Tuya (

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