Create a new "Business Opportunities" Panel based on the quotations requests

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Hey dear freelancer, thanks for your interest in our project!

First, I invite you to take a look at our coding guidelines: .
It is crutial to make sure that you are able to work in a multi developer scheme in bitbucket.

——————————–Project description:
You can look at the project description below, but I recommend you to look at it directly in notion:

We have a quote system where clients can quote directy in our site, and they can request quotes as well so Lasus employees send them the quotes manually.

However, a same quotation request or negotiation can have multiple quotations within it. Even after a client quotes directly in our site, he may requests additional quotes with modifications.

The objective is to turn the quotations request panel into the “excel desing” related next:

– [ ] [Create a new panel/view]( based on the fields but with the existing design of [quotations panel](, letters, etc and add icons to each label. The fields must be reallocated form quotations panelor quotations requests panel, but not created.
– [ ] Now, instead of quotations requests, we will have opportunities.
– [ ] Whenever a new quotation or quotation requested is created either from the back or front end, it must create a new oppotunity ID.
– [ ] Each opportunity contains all the related quotes. Each quote has an opportunity ID which can be changed manually.
– [ ] BANT is classified by opportunity as in the design.
– [ ] Messages are classified by opportunity as in the design.
– [ ] [Compró]( is now related to each opportunity as in the design.
– [ ] When one [clicks the button detalle]( then que quotations are listed under the opportunity
– [ ] When one [clicks the button “proudctos”]( then que produts are listed under the quotations
– [ ] If one of the quotes [gets linked to an order id](, then compró switches automatically to yes.
– [ ] one does nod need to click modify after editing an opportuniy, but just with tha action it updates asit works in quotations

—————————-Some Technical details
1. Find existing code that is not working anymore that sets metricas in no, acording to some conditions
2. Use cotizaciones_request table for oportunities and add new global ID that is bound to any quotes that met the criteria (in cotizaciones)
1. Use joint tables to add new quotes to oportunity
2. Using the global ID might take more resources as would need to make JOINS to get all data
3. Programing to add/update the data to the table acording to the existing code
4. List view for the oportunity using the old quote request view
5. Ajax List of Quotes
1. Use what is done already if posible (with current functionality as tags, editable fields and such)
2. Ajax List of Products from what is already made
3. On the Quotes panel be able to add them to a single Oportunity or to create a new Oportunity from it
4. Test that all is working properly and that the To-do list is 100% done

————————————— Project details
We have a CTO and a product manager to work with.

The time frame is one week at most, hopefully 7 days.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project