Compile with -tags re2_cgo

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I am looking for someone to compile with the -tags re2_cgo.

The compiled code should be able to run on Windows.

Although I have some experience compiling Go code, I would prefer someone with more expertise in this area. I do not have the necessary dependencies installed on my system, but I am willing to install them myself.

I can compile the code under Linux but I have trouble on Windows. I can compile re2 with Bazel but I think ago needs g++ and I am stuck there.

Ideal skills and experience:
– Proficient in compiling Go code
– Proficient with C++
– Experience with Windows platform
– Knowledge of dependencies and ability to install them if necessary

I need a set of instructions at the end that allow me to compile the go program myself on Windows.

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project