Change Flash Audio Modules to HTML5 on Joomla website and tweak aesthetically.
Project detail
Website: (Joomla 3.9)
This is a totally non-profit website about Indian music—a labour of love.
There are around 70 flash audio player modules on various pages created using Projoom “Promagic Audio Player.”
Example of page with Flash players:
1) I have to change them all to HTML like this example page:
I can do that manually which involves one-by-one changing the width and height settings for each module. Can this be done quickly through the css/in the database?
2) The aesthetic possibilities in the HTML5 settings of Promagic Audio Player are poor. You will see 6purple and and 2 black players in in the sample page. I would like them to all look like the existing Flash players: with purple progess bars, purple block track-selected, and with a volume slider (purple select and volume bar). Can you also do these things through the css/in the database?