Business Management System
Project detail
Project Title: Web-based Customer Relationship Management System
I am looking for a freelancer to develop a web-based POS, Add Sale, Add Purchase, Sale Return, and Purchase Return. The ideal candidate should have experience developing Web-based systems and be proficient in web development TALL Stack.
Specific features required:
– We have all the cruds for the system.
– We only need to add these functionalities (POS, Add Sale, Add Purchase, Sale Return, and Purchase Return).
– We will add you to our GitHub repository.
Skills and experience required:
– Proficient in web development and database management.
– Experience in developing customer relationship management systems.
– Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other relevant web technologies.
– Ability to create user-friendly interfaces and intuitive navigation.
– Develop with TALL stack.
Platform preference: Web-based
– The system should be accessible through web browsers on desktop and mobile devices.
– It should have a responsive design