Build me an NFT application
Project detail
I’m looking to create an eip-1155 NFT collection with around 300 unique pieces of artwork, with 10 copies, so a total of 3000 pieces. Those pieces I want to be able to be digitally authenticated and for the holder to be able to link that nft to their own personal information (shipping address, name) on a secure page. If an NFT owner decides to sell their NFT after linking it with their personal information, I want there to be a way for the system to notice that the NFT has sold and that users’ personal information is erased. This page will be able to create a nice and simple spreadsheet of all nft holders and their info (if they have decided to NOT link it to their personal information then on the spreadsheet it will just be blank), this spreadsheet is just for me to see, and be able to print out at any point in time.