Build me a website
Project detail
sTeams Authentication Page
1. I need the page to have a css animation, where a gif image of a wavy curtain is being swept off the screen from right to left.
Then the screen which was first black in color with a white curtain will now fade into white.
2. Then a dialog box will slowly fade in while the rest of the page blurs out.
3. At this point there should be a system to already send out a 6-digits code to the email on the URL of my website using POST (i.e ?email=tim.cooks{at}
4. Interface of the login page for the 6 digits code will be a blurred out white background pattern of little white roses.
A slim rectangular white box in the middle with black outlines.
The user’s company logo on the left not too high. The user’s company name below. Just below the user’s company logo will be the user’s job description.
5. After the user puts in the code, a (validated) ✅ symbol shows and a female AI voice says “Welcome . Then the password box is shown for password registration, after one input the form will slide and fade out left while a new one slides in from the right.
Then the user enters a second/alternative password. (Both passwords are stored to be used for signins by the user)
6. Then a portal is shown in which users can upload only documents (max 1m).
7. A pop-up is then shown. “You have successfully setup your sTeams account”
8. A backend where I can upload a csv file to link with the user’s email and locate his and to his email for page customization.
9. A background music to be playing on a low volume in the website, to only briefly pause when the female AI voice says “Welcome , and continues thereafter and to stop only after the pop-up.
That should be all, thank you!