Build me a Web-Based Email Verification Service

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail


1. Single Email Validation: Just type an email address and quickly verify it from the dashboard.

2. Bulk Email Validation: An email list with thousands of rows can be uploaded at once, and can verify them quickly with 99% accuracy.

3. Dynamic Temporary Mail Detection: detect dynamically changing temporary(disposal) email addresses with great accuracy.

4. High Accuracy Validation: Email Verification with 99% accuracy.

5. Validate Hard-to-Verify Emails: Verify emails from Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft, and other corporate domains.

6. Real-Time API Validation: The QUICK mode in API can validate any email address within 1 second, which can be used during customer registration or form submission on websites.

7. Categorized Results Download: Allows users to download all the results or only the results that matter to them.

8. Simple & Attractive User Interface: Nice and simple, but an effective & Responsive user interface that anyone can understand without any extra effort.

9. Multiple Platform Integration : Multiple Plugin and Platform Integration such as Mailchimp, WP Forms, Hubspot and other Marketing platforms.

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