Build a tool in Java that can detect and refactor code smells

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I need a tool that can detect and refactor code smells, please go through this link before applying

For this task I need a JAVA-based tool that can detect(24) and refactor (12) code smells from a JAVA source code. I can provide rules for both detection and refactoring.

Refactoring of the following Code Smells

1. Inefficient Data Structure
2. Internal Getter/Setter
3. Inefficient SQL Query
4. Inefficient Data Format and Parser
5. Member Ignoring Method
6. Leaking Inner Class
7. Data Transmission Without Compression
8. Rigid Alarm Manager
9. Slow Loop
10. Durable Wakelock
11. No Low Memory Resolver
12. Unclosed Closable

Detection of the following code smells

1. Inefficient Data Structure
2. Member Ignoring Method
3. No Low Memory Resolver
4. Leaking Inner Class
5. Internal Getter/Setter
6. Durable Wakelock
7. Rigid Alarm Manager
8. Slow Loop
9. Data Transmission Without Compression
10. Leaking thread
11. Debuggable Release
12. Public Data
13. Unclosed Closable
14. Inefficient SQL Query
15. Inefficient Data Format And Parser
16. UI Overdraw/Overdrawn Pixel
17. Init OnDraw/Draw Allocation
18. Heavy Broadcast Receiver
19. Heavy Service Start
20. Untouchable
21. Uncontrolled Focus Order
22. Nested Layout
23. Not Descriptive UI
24. Set Config Changes

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