Build a database with a interface to scan and print labels

  • Job DurationLess than a month
  • Project LevelMedium Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

We are looking to for a database and an interface to the database to track material as ordered and “remnants or remaining”. The database columns would be “standard or remnant”, grade, shape type, thickness, dim x, dim y, length, qty available, heat number, sheet code (combination of columns plus unique identifier), laser material name (set value based on combination of grade and thickness) unit cost, unit of measure.

The interface can be a desktop program, mobile program, or what you think would be best. It will need to be able to be accessed from 4-5 computers all located in one facility on one network. Interface will need to be able to add new items, reserve items, remove from inventory or reserve. When adding a new item would like a label printed on a thermal printer at the workstation that would have the information attached and the heat number and item code in a barcode or qr code. It would also need to be able to scan the item code in the interface and have the option to remove it from the database or reserve.

Would like to be able to export to csv in the attached test file all items that meet a specific type to the attached test.xls file. Not required but would be very helpful if the software could take the attached .html file of sheets used (based on the sheet code) and move them into reserved. Update, I have a way to get the .html file into an csv or xls file and will post when I have that finished.

Have posted this as a fixed price but would be open to hourly as well.

Skills Required


Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project