Biotech company Lead Generation project

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

We are looking for a virtual assistant who can help us create a spreadsheet with contact information for small biotech companies across the USA. We will be providing the candidate with directories of companies that we would like to have included. It is important to us that the provided directories are used. Generic contacts of sales people found on Linkedin will be of no use to us. Ideally the candidate would use an automated system/program to find the leads, but should also be willing to post-sort the spreadsheet and make sure all the information is complete, that there are no duplicates etc. We would like to only include companies <100 employees. The information that we'd need for each company: 1. URL of the company website where the information was found 2. Company address 3. Contact Name 4. Contact position within company 5. Contact email address 6. Contact LinkedIn profile (if available) 7. Company size (if available) 8. Company research interest Good understanding of English will be necessary. Please PM us if you are interested and include a quote estimate for generation of 500 leads and 1,000 leads.Replies that do not include that cost estimate and automated replies will not be considered. Thank you!

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project