Best Algos.
Project detail
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Following is a broad estimate of project ‘Best Algo’
Design of automated Trading system for multi-user in Nifty & BankNifty derivatives market.
Strategies & entire system would be written in Python programming language.
Use of Symphony APIs for order placement. Also, use of Data API (either of Zerodha or any
other source required)
Client will be able to access ‘Best Algo’ setup (UI) from a link created which can be placed on your
existing broking platform or even can be shared with client independently.
o Would be able to select among pre-defined strategies,
o A basic summary of strategy would be visible to client.
o Subscribe / Unsubscribe strategies
o Update quantities/amount allocated to each strategy
A. A set of pre-defined strategies and their respective variations proposed by you. Strategies will
have dynamic HEDGE system where code will automatically select the best HEDGE to get
optimum margin for selling options.
B. Attempt to define all possible parameters in strategy as variable so as to tweak whenever
C. All active users will have same positions as generated by strategy.
D. Develop an interface where you can,
a. Control/tweak strategy rules
b. Globally exit strategy anytime during the day
c. Have P&L summary for all users
E. Auto-run of pre-defined strategies for set of users (multi-users). Auto-run system will include
Multiple workers (for parallel execution of orders) and Order Tagging and P&L and
Risk Management system:
a. Tripple check before STOPPING an Algo because of technical/ time delay error.
b. Will be able to generate P&L separately for all strategies.
c. Able to differentiate between a manual trade and Algo trade. If a user manually
open a position in same strike and same transaction type (NRML/MIS), we would be
able to differentiate trade at the time of P&L generation.
d. Optimization of Order Mgmt. system – To manage technical errors and risks.
e. Maintaining trade book for each user.
f. Adding risk management code over order management which will ensure all
positions being squared off (including Hedge) at the time of error.
F. Easy onboarding for any new user within minutes
G. Develop an interface where clients/users can individually,
a. Login to trade,
b. Subscribe / Unsubscribe to a/multiple strategy along with Qty/Amount to be allocated
to the respective strategy,
c. view their trades,
d. start/stop strategy,
e. . update their trading lots/Qty,
f. check their P&L and transaction charges.
H. Telegram bot to send various notifications (Login, start/stop, Qty. update, P&L). We can have
some other notification channel too if you are already using any.
I. Entire setup on Windows/Linux server from a recognized vendor.