Automatic Box Filling Conveyor For Short Strips of Wood

  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpensive
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Details are in the uploaded file.
I would like to design a conveyor system that would take the strips from where they come out of the saw, back to where the operator is loading them.

It would require disposing of small broken pieces that are not 11 inches long, and making sure the sticks of wood don’t get jammed up on the conveyor.

When the strips of wood arrive back at the operator, they would need to drop or slide into a box or bag without jamming in the conveyor. They would need to drop or slide into the box or bag in an orderly fashion so that they could completely fill the box without creating a big pile that wouldn’t allow the bag or box to fill completely.

The operator would put a box or bag in place under the drop off spot and it would fill by itself without a lot of supervision by the operator. When one box or bag was filled, a spinning table could turn to move another empty bag or box into place. The operator would take the filled box and set it aside or take the filled bag and put it through an automatic bag sealer.

I hope my attached document is clear, but it may need some explanation. The challenge here is to get little strips of wood to load into a box without jamming everything up. It sounds simple, but I think it is actually kind of complicated.

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project