Android Emulator using OBS Virtual Camera
Project detail
I am looking for an Android emulator using OBS virtual camera that can be used for streaming purposes on my Windows PC. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating custom emulators with a moderate level of interface customization.
The idea is using the Android emulator I can login to my instagram or tiktok or any account, and when I do a live stream, the stream will be fed from OBS virtual Camera (the emulator is treating it as a front camera).
I already know how to set OBS virtual camera and use it in zoom, but I need help to feed it into an android emulator. I need the streaming resolution to be high, at least FHD 1080.
This emulator can be installed to any windows PC.
Key Requirements:
– Android emulator with OBS virtual camera integration
– Compatible with Windows PC
– Customizable interface with a moderate level of customization
Ideal Skills and Experience:
– Strong knowledge of Android emulator development
– Experience with OBS virtual camera integration
– Proficient in Windows PC development
– UI/UX design skills for moderate-level customization
– Familiarity with streaming platforms such as Twitch and YouTube
If you fit the requirements above and have experience in developing custom Android emulators with OBS virtual camera integration, please submit your proposal.