A specific accounting date for each item of the journal entry items in Odoo
Project detail
I have Odoo 15 community
In the Odoo journal entry form, for eachindevidual entry, there is one field for the date next to the entry number, and this date is the date of the accounts for all the journal entry items, and it is a mandatory field
I want to add the date column to the journal entry form, so that the date in this column is the date of the accounts,
And when the user leaves the date field in any line of entry items blank, the accounting date for this item is considered to be the same as the entry date
And of course, this date column should appear in the list of journal items and in printing the journal entry report
The same thing I want in the expense module
In the expense report form, there is already a due date column, but I want to make this date the date of the accounts
-journal entry form for one of the local accounting software , in which there is a date column that I want to add same to the Odoo journal entry
-Odoo journal entry form
-Odoo’s expense report , showing the date of the report and the due date column for the items of the statement