A new tabletop game in cellular version of Mega Domino / Lucky Dice EDITION

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

Ready Go is developing a new concept for its brand new Mega Domino tabletop game Lucky Dice Edition for an electronic version for cell phones.

The game is designed with Mega Dominoes, dice and a score. The score is already determined. A random Mega Domino will move down the screen in order to have more chance to make one of the 8 combinations with the dice. These combinations can be found by pressing the score card. The players will be able to choose the combinations they want in order to get their points according to the sequence obtained. Players can play with the computer or with other players. In turn, the player will have 3 rolls to make the combination. Once the dice are rolled, the player can choose which dice to keep. To choose a dice the player will have to press on it and it will not be thrown again at the next throw. So the dice that are not chosen can be re-rolled to make the desired sequence.

We would like a designer for electronic game, Android and Apple (IOS) to realize our project.

The interested candidate will have to provide us with their portfolio.

Once the contract is accepted, you will need to have high speed internet because we will have to use video conferencing for the meetings. (Via the Teams platform or zoom, etc.).

We thank you in advance for your collaboration.

Sincerely yours,

Daniel Dubé, Director
Karine Dubé, Project manager
Ready Go Canada Inc.

Trademarks and copyrights are owned by Ready Go Canada.

Freelancer type required for this project