Embedding a google map with markers
Project detail
We’re moving the website aquabluewater.ca from wordpress to a platform called GrooveKart.
On our current wordpress page you can see a map on that page: https://aquabluewater.ca/delivery-schedule-and-registration/.
With that map, clients can click on the zone where they want water delivered and that will lead them to a page that list the date when we deliver in their zone.
We use a wordpress plugin called “WP Google Map”. This plugin uses the Google Map API. I”m not a programmer so I’m sorry if my not exact with my terminology. Here are some info about the Google Map API that’s provided by the maker of the plugin: https://www.wpgmaps.com/documentation/creating-a-google-maps-api-key/
The new platform doesn’t have a plugin that can do the same thing. But it does have a place where we can embed codes. You can see the attached screenshot.
What I would like is for someone to embed codes that would simulate that map and have a similar function.