Need to get a price on having our Shopify website look and feel changed or at least tweaked some

  • Job DurationLess than a week
  • Project LevelBasic Level
  • Project deadlineExpired

Project detail

I have had many bad experiences here on Freelancer with similar projects to this in the past. I am going to be very detailed in my description and if you cant complete this than please do not BID or MESSAGE me. Please also note that if you do not start your BID or MESSAGE off with “I HAVE READ” than I will ignore your BID or MESSAGE fully!

I am attaching a file below that has my website as well as a similar website that my website was supposed to be built around/like and then another competitors website that also has a good view and flow. Right now we are getting good conversions, but I do get a higher than I want bounce rate to the homepage. After asking many customers they each tell me it takes to long to load, and that once they are into the website a few clicks in that its not as easy as they would like for navigation. With that being said I want to focus on the customer experience more than anything, next would be the look and feel of the website.

Please view the attached file. Please go to my website and browse, please go to the website that my website was supposedly built around and browse to see how its not the same function/feel for the customer, and then go to the 3rd link and look at how easy of a customer experience that one is. Please keep in mind that 90% of my customers and transactions are from Mobile with the other 10% being Desktops and Tablets combined so this website needs to be solid on all 3.

I would like to have this work done within 5-10 days. Previously it has taken weeks to do this and each time I have been depressed with the results and time frames it took. In the past I have had companies do this work in 48hrs or less and it come out perfect so I know that its possible.

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